My father's kitchen
Without giving too much away, my father is a central figure in my book. He comes from a small rural village
Without giving too much away, my father is a central figure in my book. He comes from a small rural village
Last week I spoke at a forum on the 21st century public servant together with
On 6 June 2014, I signed a contract as 'author' for my first book, The Good Greek Girl. The contract was signed five years after I set out to write my memoir
The conundrum of workplace mental health in three parts (or why 1+ 2 can’t equal 3)
Part of me has always been ambivalent about mental health promotion as ‘event’ with days like RU OK Day or
Suicide is Painless is the lilting refrain from the classic 1970s television show, M*A*S*H which followed a motley medical team stationed at the 4077th mobile hospital in South Korea.
Today I attended the launch of Heads Up, a campaign from beyondblue and the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance which aims to create mentally healthy workplaces.
In 2013 the Melbourne School of Government and the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet began collaborating on a project to explore the roles, skills and characteristics of the 21st century public servant.